Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Mystery Unfolding

“Aging is a mystery and we are all detectives,

but there are no solutions just waiting out there to be discovered.

 The future is within us, within our ever evolving selves.

We have already outlived the centuries old social order

 that can no longer define who we are. 

We must now engage in sometimes chaotic creation

 of a whole new stage of life.

 We are truly up to us.”

                                                                             — Rabon Saip


“We are truly up to us.” We always have been, but now it is more obvious, and necessary. Uncertainty blankets the world. No one knows what’s going to happen. Fear, anxiety and hope run rampant in the minds of the people. It is both, what the Chinese curse calls for; an interesting time, and a medicine moment. The wheel is turning. Balance is a condition of the past, if ever.


This is a great moment for the old. Those of us who have been around the block a few times, recognize the twisting, turning path, and know to lean into the forces of push and pull. We have outlived expectations, prescriptions, conventions, and all manner of fantasies. There is nothing left of us, but our inner core. Essentially, we are leftovers, picked clean, new in a preposterous way. Innocent by means of reduction. Stripped of everything, but our potential.


There is a change spasm happening. Reality is questionable. Words like conspiritual are showing us the liquidity of everything. It is a time like no other, even the description ‘unprecedented’ is too tame. There is a touch of wild madness in the air. What is old is no more. Leaving only what has the wit to survive. 


Lies are another word for myth, manipulation for influence, and reality for perception. Who can be trusted? The social sphere is more fragmented than usual. Out of all of this chaos comes opportunity. The old, by years and experience, have no corner on the adaptive market, we have no super power, we are not sacred cows, but we have a lot of practice with letting go. And oh is this a time of letting go! The sands are sliding through our fingers. Obsolescence is a mean and exacting teacher.

To be old now is a virginal experience. People, shocked by what we have been forced to experience, have been brought to the living edge of creation, where we are getting to witness the messy process of coming into existence. In the chaos we are reconstituted.


Everyone gets to be ourselves — if we can stand the uncertainty. Many of the theories, conspiratorial or otherwise, rose out of a desire to reduce uncertainty, by trying to explain what cannot be explained. Especially, the best conspiritual beliefs! We, old folks, and young people alike, are now up to us, like never before. What is, is becoming!’


Everyone needs a dose of vitamen A — Awe, at this moment!





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