Thursday, January 7, 2021

Bows Or Bows

I was listening to music, in this case Carlos Nikai. He had done something interesting to me, by playing with some traditional Japanese musicians. The collection of music was called, “The Island of Bows.” I read it like bows and arrows. The title seemed off to me. It was only later that I realized my mistake. Then came a fascination. I had inadvertently come across two different words that were spelled alike. That cast me into a creative reverie. This is a facet of that moment.


I delighted by finding these two words with such different meanings. One is a gesture, an act of deference, a way of honoring the ineffable in another. The other, an instrument for projecting control, designed to assert one’s will, and change what is. It seemed to me, they couldn’t be more different, yet they shared something in common.


For some reason, I began playing with them. Whether a bow or a bow, is to me, the difference between inside, or outside. A bow to the mysterious is also an act of reverence to Mystery wherever it appears, including, and especially, within.  Whereas, a focus outside oneself is what is required to be good at archery. The essential foci of each is dramatically different.


I was also captivated by the way each of them reflected a totally different way of being. Inside/outside. I thought of all the times I’ve tried to alter the world by projecting my will. I’ve suffered a lot because of my stubborn determination to make the world different than it is. I’ve also accomplished more than I know. I keep doing it. Paying the price of suffering just for the moments when I get to make some difference. Moments, I know exist, even though I cannot always recognize them. Moments, I do recognize, that hurt me and others.


Conversely, the more reverence I have, the more I bow down to Life, the more I am able to live in harmony. Bowing, for me, as a human male, has taken a lifetime to learn. I know I’m still learning. It took a long time for me to get that I had to look around inside, at what I could see, and revere there, then I could perceive and bow to in others. Bowing, to me, has a very internal dimension.  Not to mention, how much arrogance and hubris I have to overcome, just to remember that bowing is an option.

I’m equally fascinated by their commonality. Each form of bow is utterly human. Each activity conveys something about our orientation. It might be said that both are essential to a human life; the willful imposition, and recognition of the Mystery and reverence. The inner and the outer.


We are at a time when more balance is essential, maybe Covid is doing the job, but it seems like that balance requires us, to live more into both. Let’s intend to apply our will towards becoming more reverent.


Its funny, that such a little mind hiccup can lead to something so big. Inside or outside, and sometimes, both.





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